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A Little Taste of Digi

Ever since I started listening to the Paperclipping Roundtable, I have been inspired to do more with my memories.  I have started doing some of what Izzy calls “motion scrapbooking” by making videos about a few of our adventures, and I am dabbling in digital scrapbooking.  This page is 100% digital, all of the elements are digital, and the photos are taken directly from the Google Maps street view feature.  This is a page about the home where my Dad grew up, I could probably write a book about this house and how it makes me feel and what an impact this home has had on my view of what a home should be.  You know what?  I could do that!  This is digi after all, I could use this page as the cover and write to my heart’s content on as many pages as I like and send it all off to a photobook printer.  How cool is that?

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